Mobile Clinic

CareDox offers in-school vaccine clinics at no cost to families or schools. This service is end-to-end managed within CareDox’s infrastructure—The staffing of nurses, the software products that tech-enable the charting of vaccine administration, the sharing of immunization data with state registries, and parent registration and communication.

Offline charting for vaccine clinics

My role
Design Director, Research Lead, & Visual Designer

CareDox, Inc.

The challenge

Redesign the flagship CareDox Electronic Health Record product from the ground up to be future proof, highly usable, ADA compliant/accessible, scalable, and provide reliable data.

The approach

We needed to ensure we understood the value of the EHR to the key affected audiences—parents, payers, schools, and CareDox internal staff. So we took a human-centric approach—going back to the origins of the need for an EHR—by spending a ton of time with users through interviews and ethnographic research so we could understand what they go through, respectively, and what’s required of them, frame problems, and ultimately solve them with a software product.

Since this was a redesign of an existing product, we spent a lot of time with tribal knowledge holders, NPS scores, and all aggregate qualitative and quantitative data to get a sense of where there was pain to be resolved in the current experience as well as opportunity for innovation in the new product.

This was months of research, synthesis, and iterations at a sketchbook and wireframe level before applying our custom design system, Curriculum. Validating with users and stakeholders along the way.

The team

Bryan Colosky

Ed Confortin

Karoleen Decastro

David Avery


Yaron Kufert

Ryan Taylor

James Lavin

Dillon Powers

Asif Yhtzahk


Matt Smith

Egu Ramanathan


The outcomes


1.3 Million
Students vaccinated

Active users

Other case studies

A human-centered rebrand

An app for parent engagement

Sleep and respiratory retail experience